We offer four distinct environments to grow in your faith through relationships. Below is a description of each environment with the primary goals listed. Anyone at any point on their faith journey are welcome at all environments. We are focusing on praying together this year, but whatever you are interested in we would love to know! Click the LEARN MORE button to find current meetings and resources or to email one of our leaders to get more information.

PRAYER FOR EACH OTHER / We were not meant to walk alone in our journey, and many times it’s hard to believe in the hope and courage of Christ even when we know it. Prayer for each other is a gift that God gave us to have assurance and wisdom.

PRAYER FOR THE WORLD / Praying that God would bring redemption and grace to the world and those around us is an exercise of faith and something that Jesus and his followers did often, and it fueled their friendships and helped them see God’s will. We want to see grace increase more and more in our lives and those around us.

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Weekly meetings of 8-10 people to connect in a biblical community.

DISCUSSION BASED / Because we believe that it is better to ask questions that give answers we desire to create a safe environment for people to ask questions about God, Jesus and the Bible. We value people at varying stages of their spiritual journey talking about spiritual topics. No question is off limits.

BIBLICALLY CENTERED / Because we believe that the Bible is the revealed character and nature of God that has been demonstrated to man our discussions always start from a Biblical perspective. We take a look at how truths of scripture relate to our lives in a modern context with specific application.

RELATIONSHIP FOCUSED / Because we believe that both spiritual and personal growth happens best through relationships our hope is that through these groups you will develop deeper relationships with other group members. These relationships help provide support, camaraderie and accountability as we live our daily lives.

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 FLEXIBLE MEETINGS of 2-4 people for growth  accountability

SCRIPTURE STUDY / Each week you and the other members of your circle will read the same passage of scripture, usually 2-3 chapters. During your reading you will be challenged to journal the highlights, difficult commands and personal application from your study to share when your group next meets.

PRAYER SUPPORT / During each circle meeting members will share with one another specific prayer needs that they have in their life. Then each week you will spend personal time praying for the other member’s prayer needs. You pray for others as others are praying for you.

PERSONAL ACCOUNTABILITY / None of us are perfect. Everyone struggles with destructive behavior, dysfunctional relationships and prideful attitudes. Discipleship circles are a safe place to share these struggle and receive support and encouragement to move forward in your faith by being accountable for your choices with others in the group.

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one on one meetings for specific life and spiritual development

SPECIFIC PERSON / Everyone needs to grow in some area of our life. And some of us are more comfortable sharing our spiritual journey with an individual instead of a group. Mentor relationships connect you with one specific person who can pour wisdom and experience into your life.

SPECIFIC TOPIC / While mentoring relationships can focus on multiple topics, we believe that the most effective type of mentoring is when the relationship is focused on one specific topic. These relationship hone in on one area of our lives where we need specific growth and development.

SPECIFIC TIMEFRAME / Some mentoring relationships can last for years. However we believe that when mentors commit to meet for a specific length of time it helps to bring about more tangible results. Our mentoring relationships typically last three months with the opportunity for them to develop into longer, ongoing personal relationships if needed.