LEADERSHIP TRANSITION: After launching New City Church 11 years ago our founding pastor, Patrick Thompson, was recently sent by our church to serve as a long term missionary to help plant Gospel focused churches in France. We are excited to expand our ministry influence into other areas of the world. We are also excited that God has provided a seamless leadership transition here in NYC. Jared Parsons has served as one of our teaching pastors for the last 4 years. He and his wife Jana are stepping into the primary leadership roles at New City Church. The transition was made “complete” in January of 2024, and we sent Patrick and his wife Katie to France in March. Since the Thompsons are still a part of this church from a far, and since Jared is in the beginning stages of this transition, we included the info below for you to get to know New City better as we continue forward as we continue forward. Feel free to reach out with any questions or to request more information.
Patrick is the founding pastor of New City Church. In January 0f 2013 he and his family started the church in their apartment living room. Since then Patrick has lead New City Church to hold services in multiple languages and in multiple locations. New City has also supported 6 other church plants around the US. Patrick has over 25 years of experience in local church ministry and has served at some of the most influential churches in America. He has a passion for teaching, developing leaders and planting churches. He and his wife Katie recently celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary and have two adult children PJ and Natalie.
Jared has served as the campus director for Navigators at NYU Tandon for the past 5 years. During that time he started a campus club that has grown into a flourishing ministry that has seen students come to faith, grow in discipleship, and be developed as leaders. Jared is a gifted communicator and loves engaging people far from God, building teams, and developing leaders. For the past 4 years Jared has served as a teaching pastor at New City Church and brings a unique balance of wit and Biblical understanding to the text each time he speaks. Jared is married to Jana and they have one son, Oliver.